I'm getting mad nostalgia just from seeing the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TavVZMewpY Why did they choose to remake so many movies all of a sudden?
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I'm getting mad nostalgia just from seeing the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TavVZMewpY Why did they choose to remake so many movies all of a sudden?
For more than 30 years, there's been very few movies based upon an original story, especially if you considere those with a budget up to 50 and more obviously with a budget up to $ 100 000...
With budgets of this kind of amount, there's more and more movies based upon a book, a comic book, a video game, or sagas or franchises with countless remakes, sequels, prequels, reboots, spin off movies...
Because this might be hard to create a new story, or even a new style of movies...
And also because a financial failure for a movie built like a blockbuster can be a dangerous situation for majors or producers...
We just can hope that majors and producers will be able to really take a chance with a bold project...
With doesn't happen so frequently any more nowadays...