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Discussion: Are you going to see live action Lion King?

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2019

    Are you going to see live action Lion King?

    I'm getting mad nostalgia just from seeing the trailer Why did they choose to remake so many movies all of a sudden?

  2. #2
    Noctambules Avatar de Human-Fly
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2005
    11 353


    Citation Envoyé par Harleyhom Voir le message
    I'm getting mad nostalgia just from seeing the trailer Why did they choose to remake so many movies all of a sudden?

    For more than 30 years, there's been very few movies based upon an original story, especially if you considere those with a budget up to 50 and more obviously with a budget up to $ 100 000...
    With budgets of this kind of amount, there's more and more movies based upon a book, a comic book, a video game, or sagas or franchises with countless remakes, sequels, prequels, reboots, spin off movies...
    Because this might be hard to create a new story, or even a new style of movies...
    And also because a financial failure for a movie built like a blockbuster can be a dangerous situation for majors or producers...

    We just can hope that majors and producers will be able to really take a chance with a bold project...
    With doesn't happen so frequently any more nowadays...

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